October 16 Bingo Dedication

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Geraldine Ketchum Joins Rotary

Geraldine Ketchum was inducted into the Festival City Rotary Club by President Kent Chisholm on 20 April 2010.

Welcome aboard Gerry. Ask the Membership Chair about her Rotary tattoo and how you can get one too!

Small but Mighty!

Nobody Comes to Visit

Ms. Carlson and members of her class visited the Festival City Rotary Club on its April 20th meeting to present their Nobody Doll Project. The Nobody Doll was the impetus for a number of projects by the students.

Vanessa described her Conservation Project to the Club.

Jack described his involvement in saving gorillas through the World Wildlife Federation.

Connor spoke on his project involving raising funds for Leukemia research.

Sam described his project on recycling and raising funds for the Shriners' Hospital.

Patrick spoke about the plight of Child Soldiers and how we could help.

Cameron described his efforts to raise money for cancer research by putting on a concert.

Congratulations to Ms. Carlson's Class for a job well done!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hudson Bay Company Bingo - 9 April 2010

This bingo on Friday April 9, 2010 will be in honour of an event that led to Canada's sovereignty, for it was on this day in 1869 when the Hudsons Bay Company ceded its vast territory known as Rupert's Land to the Dominion of Canada. If this had not happened it is quite possible that Canada could have been called the Bay or Zellers. The majority shareholder and President of this corporation is now owned by billionaires Anita Zucker who is the widow of Jerry Zucker who was one of the top 400 richest people in America. Thats right the vast drainage area of the Hudsons Bay could have been owned by an American from South Carolina and called Zellers.
In honor of this event please wear furs or other Hudsons Bay apparel. Watch out for PETA protesters.
On a side note Hudson Bay explorer, surveyor and cartographer David Thompson was never properly compensated by HBC for his fine work and maps. He died penniless in Montreal in 1857.